Old school and new school coming together to celebrate the brotherhood!

Brothers gathering together in Fresno to handle business!

Old school and new school coming together to celebrate the brotherhood!
Sigma Rhos are all kinds of things.
We take education seriously, we are strong, and we are respectful. Our skin is tough and comes in a variety of shades. We speak languages and dialects from all over the globe. We believe in a greater power, none, or many. We love who we want. We are all kinds of ages, heights and weights. We are athletes and gamers. We are mechanics, doctors, farmers, news casters, poets, actors, lawyers, architects, teachers, and stay-at-home dads. We hail from rags and riches. We are gentlemen. We don't care how you choose to express yourself. We stand up for what we believe in. We laugh and cry and care. We are fathers, and brothers, and sons, and nephews, and uncles. We are family men. We are professional and we take care of business. We are fighters and we win. We are resilient. We are honest with each other and ourselves. We believe in our pillars and never take our letters for granted. Ever.
Above all else, WE ARE SIGMA RHOs.

nations and cultures represented within our diverse brotherhood. In few places will you find such extensive representation of the dear cultures that comprise our world! There is much to learn from us. Just look below and see for yourself.

Rho gave me the opportunity and platform to challenge myself and the perception people had of me. Rho gave me the opportunity to lead, to grow, to fail, and to learn from my mistakes and improve. Rho provided me with the opportunity to make choices that not only affected my life, but the life of my bRHOthers, my family and my community. I am a better person to this day and everyday because of my bRHOthers and their families.
Marsail 'Six' Ford
Gamma Chapter, Delta Class
Crossed Fall 1993

Epsilon Sigma Rho has [...] provided me with a true family. I didn't have the best one growing up so I always lacked that emotional and social support. It's also a very diverse family in that there are many from different religions, sexual orientations, and many other walks of life. It's made me appreciate the beauty of what being a person is and the importance of our cultures.
Michael 'Enigma' Bowler
Zeta Chapter, Founding Father
Crossed Spring 2010

[Rho] has allowed me to understand different traditions and ways of life that are much different than mine. The bond that exists among ES-RHO cannot be explained to outsiders. One must become an official member to fully comprehend the reason why all bRHOthers can find automatic common ground, even without having ever met the other Rho. This statement rings true despite our obvious differences in age, race, or political views.
Eric 'CoRHOna' Mejia
Beta Chapter, Rho Class
Crossed Spring 2003

We honor and live exemplary lives of education, strength, and respect regardless of who we are and where we come from. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences speak volumes about our core values. The bonds of friendship and communal responsibility to society we have forged sets us apart from just any another fraternity.
Sunit 'M-n-M' Ramrakha
Beta Chapter, Gamma Class
Crossed Spring 1991