As a brother of Epsilon Sigma Rho, you have the opportunity to climb the leadership ladder, from a chapter level all the way to a national level. And because we are constantly evolving, the positions of leadership change with our ever-changing needs, so there is something for everyone to spearhead.
Take a look below to catch a glimpse of how we are currently structured
National President

National Vice Presidents
Collegiate Operations
Program Development
District Directors
Undergraduate Representatives (x3)
Undergraduate Chapters & Colonies
Alumni Chapters
Now that we've seen how our fraternity operates, let's get more acquainted with what and who this operation is all about.
National President
Stands as the head of, and works directly with the Governing Board and all of its branches. Is the face of the entire organization on a national level.
National Vice President -
Collegiate Operations
Communicates with chapters to make sure they operate properly according to university and fraternity policy.
National Vice President - Program Development
Communicates with chapters to make sure recruitment and initiation processes are according to policy
National Vice President - Finance
Handles all finances of fraternity operations and handles national fundraising efforts. Also oversees chapter budgeting and financial workshops
National Vice President - Expansion
Spearheads all expansion projects, communicates with universities about creating new chapters, and oversees the interest group/colony.
National Vice President - Academics
Oversees all academic functions of the fraternity, and particularly makes certain all active members are meeting GPA requirements.
National Vice President - Alumni
Acts as the head of the Alumni Association, which consists of all established alumni chapters. Also keeps alumni involved with undergraduate chapters and the fraternity as a whole.
The National Undergraduate Representatives serve as the liaisons between the National Governing Board and the undergraduate chapters. They also make sure our chapters are hosting events related to multicultural awareness and our national philanthropy. They set the ultimate example to the undergraduates.
The District Directors oversee certain regions of chapters that have been grouped together by the National Governing Board. These directors report directly to the NVP of Collegiate Operations, and also work with the NVP of Program Development. This is to make sure that chapters in that region are running according to all relevant policies, and helps create a smoother channel of communication between the chapters, the NVP of Collegiate Operations, and the National Governing Board as a whole.